MIDI-Have you seen the rain
Favorite Links
Just for fun I have added this page of links to some of what I consider great sites for free or low cost downloads. I also included a link to my job search web site. Just click on the link and your browser will automatically take you to the home site of that particular item. Enjoy.
This is the site where you can download a program called Pretty Good Solitaire. It is the best quality card program I have ever seen and has 700 excellent card games for $29.00. If you like solitaire or free cell this is the best you can get.
This is the link to Tucows, the top site on the net to download freeware and shareware.
This is the link to the Drudge Report where Monica Lewinski was
Link to Woodcraft Supply, the "hard to find tool" people for the
This link is to Photodex, the makers of CompuPic Pro, what I use for ninety percent of my graphic handling. This program deserves an AAAAA+++++
This link is the start of the MIDI ring. There are many rings on the net that connect many similar sights to allow a surfer to find many of the same site. This one is for MIDI's, which are digital music you can download for free and play on your computer.
Link to Mega Converter web site. This site has every converter you could ever need. You won't believe what you can calculate on this page. Download and bookmark this one, because sooner or later it will come in handy.
If you enjoy Irish tenors or Irish music, check this site out. I have ordered many CD's from them and never had a bit of trouble. This site has items not available at local stores.
If you know what shockwave is then you probably know about joecartoon. This is his web site with all the goodies. Check it out.