Kids Photos
Midi-Baby elephant walk
Jake and Alexis 2008
Jackson April 2008
Alexis Fuller on July 6, 2008
Jake at Jacksons 1st Birthday 2007
Molly is getting older
On vacation in Vancouver WA 2008
Alexis Ann Fuller is so cute
Molly at her first horse show on May 6, 2007
The gangs all here. 2006
Want to buy some cookies?
Eric playing with Jackson March 2007
Jake Fuller is cute too!
Sue with Jackson in March of this year at our new house.
Molly coloring eggs 2007
Jake and Alexis at Disneyworld
Molly, Sue and Eric 2005 in Fl
Molly, Alexis and Jake playing video games at Sue's on Xmas day 2003.
Not us Pa, it was Alexis and Molly
Eric and Jake with Great Grandpa Karcher
Alexis and Jake 2005
Sue's first day of school Kathy and Jean
Molly and Alexis at Disney 1999
Sue and Molly in Florida 2005
Jake and Eric, May 2002
Molly after a hard day at Disney 1999
Molly's curly hair was something else
Alexis Ann Fuller
Mollis Wallis